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MyMusicTheory Quizzes and Tests has lots of free music theory tests and quizzes for you to take online!

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music theory quizzes and tests

Musical Terms Quizzes

Test yourself on the foreign musical terms set for each music theory grade (1-5) – click on your grade!

grade 2grade 3grade 4grade 5

Instruments Quizzes

Test yourself on general knowledge about orchestral instruments – grade 4 and grade 5!

Music Theory Practice Tests

Do an online practice test for your ABRSM music theory exam – grades 1-5 available (click on your grade!)

grade 2grade 3grade 4grade 5

General Music Quizzes

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2 thoughts on “Quizzes and Tests

  1. David Burke Reply


    Thank you for posting your music theory quizzes! I hold a B.A. degree in Music Theory & Composition from The University of New Orleans. I also hold a B.A. degree in Choral Music Education from The University of West Georgia. I periodically take your music theory test “What Grade Am I?” I usually score between a level 6 and level 7. I think some of the questions, such as “according to this music phrase, who is the composer?” shouldn’t be on a music theory test. Perhaps they should be on the music history test, but oh well. I notice that you no longer provide the correct answers. I miss that. Also, I miss your quiz on time signatures/values.

    Anywhooo, someday, I may enroll in your class to refresh my music theory.

    Thanks again for your quizzes!


    • Victoria Williams Post authorReply

      Hi David! Thanks for your comment. I have now changed the settings so that the correct answers are shown at the end. The questions are based on those asked in the UK music theory exams set by the two leading exam boards, ABRSM and Trinity. They have always included music history as well as theory. Best wishes!

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