The following figures were covered at ABRSM Grade 7. Here is a quick review:
7th Chords
The figuring of added 7th chords was covered at grade 7, but here’s a quick reminder of the 4 inversions of 7th chords, and their figures. The four chords are all G7 (V7 in C major).
They are in root position (7), 1st inversion (6/5), 2nd inversion (4/3) and 3rd inversion (4/2).

4-3 Suspension
The figure 4-3 shows a suspension of a 4th within a root position chord. The 4th then resolves downwards to the 3rd.

When you are realising a figured bass, you need to remember that the suspension note (the 4th) needs to be prepared in the previous chord. This means the same note needs to appear in the same part (unless this is impossible to do).
At grade 8, you also need to be able to write suspensions in 3-part harmony. In a 4-3 suspension, the “other” note which is in the chord above the figure 4 will normally need to be the 5th of the triad. In this example, F is first prepared in an F major chord, then suspended into a C major chord. The bass is the root note C, and the other part has the 5th, G. F then resolves to E.