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Links to Useful Music Theory Resources

These links will take you to pages for further study. They are not organised by theory grade. 

I don’t link to purely commercial websites, just interesting/academic ones.

All links will open in a new window/tab. 

This list is managed by a human being


The Physics of Sound and the Physiology of Hearing


Schenkerian Analysis

Avant Garde Music Techniques

Introduction to Post-Functional Music Analysis: Set Theory, The Matrix, and the Twelve-Tone Method

12 Tone Music – A VERY accessible and interesting video by “recreational mathemusician” Vi Hart. [Video] *Highly Recommended*

Fractal Music

Quarter Tone Music [Video]

Axis System

Pitch Class Sets


An Introduction to Species Counterpoint

Species Counterpoint: A Structural Examination of Tonality, Vocabulary, Texture, Sonorities, and Time Organization in Western Art Music


Genres of Music – a list

Genres of Music – audio examples of every genre on the planet (almost!)


ClassicsForKids Online music games for children

Music Quotes

Music Theory Song [Video]

Donald Duck in Math Magic Land – Music (Explains musical ratios and Pythagorus) [Video]

Harmony & Chords Search Bach works/movements matching required instrumentation

Database of examples of music theory harmony concepts Figured bass in French

Harmonic Progressions  common in tonal classical music

Chord Progressions in Pop Music – an introduction [Video]

Bach Chorale Pedagogic Resource – a list of examples of various techniques found in the chorales

Major to Minor – A Collection of I-III chord progressions

Pop Music Theory – Excellent site illustrating the “classical” techniques in a pop context


Instrument Specific Music Theory Sites

Drums: Drum! Magazine

Jazz and Folk etc.

Jazz chord  notation


Linguistics and Music

Speaking in Tones: Our ability of communicate is inseparable from our musical sense. 

Music Criticism

How to Critique Music Structure

Music Industry

How musicians really make money, in one long graph


Critical Musicology A form of musicology which applies aspects of Critical Theory (as practiced within other humanities disciplines) to music

Historical Texts on Music from the 14th-17th centuries (in English)

Historical Texts on Music from the 3rd-17th centuries (in Latin)

The Theoretical Works of Johannes Tinctoris (Renaissance music theorist)

Music & Emotion Through Time (Video) TED talk

Numerous videos of Music Lectures on a variety of topics  (from Gresham College)


Instrument Transposition Chart (VERY comprehensive including rare/obscure instruments)

The Orchestra: A User’s Manual [Provided by the Philharmonia Orchestra, Southbank, London UK]  “Exploring the Fascinating World of Instrumental Sounds”

Notation/Engraving of Scores:


CASS GB: The Clarinet and Saxophone Society of Great Britain

EPTA: The European Piano Teachers’ Association (and UK branch)


Everything you ever wanted to know about phrases

Psychology of Music

Harmony: Nurture not Nature

Are classical music competitions judged on looks?


Database of PhD dissertations on music theory, musicology and ethnomusicology

The New York Philharmonic Digital Archives Explore programs, scores, images, and business documents.

The Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals 500 rare music periodicals

RISM: Repertoire International de Sources Musicales “An international, non-profit organization that aims to comprehensively document extant musical sources worldwide: manuscripts, printed music editions, writings on music theory, and libretti that are found in libraries, archives, churches, schools, and private collections.”

Digital Resources for Musicology Links to substantial open-access projects of use to musicians and musicologists.

Wikipedia List of Online Music Document Libraries Access to collections of digitized music documents (typically originating from printed or manuscript musical sources).

Music Techonology

Musescore Free music notation software, highly recommended.

Synthesisers which compose according to the rules of harmony

Video-based Sites

Art Films “Masterclasses, documentaries, interviews, content that can entertain, educate and inform: Artfilms streams thousands of videos from top artists and producers.” [Paid site]

Medici TV “The world’s leading classical music channel” [Paid site]

Video Courses

An Introduction to Music Research Explore the ways in which music may be researched.Open UniversityFree Advanced View
Music and its Media  Examine how the means of communicating a particular piece can change over time; and how the appearance and contents of a source can reflect the circumstances in which it is producedOpen UniversityFree Intermediate View
Understanding Musical Scores Explore what’s involved when musicians create a performance from musical notation.Open UniversityFree Elementary View
Voice Leading Analysis of Music I: The Foreground Introduction to ‘voice-leading’ or ‘Schenkerian’ analysis.Open UniversityFree Advanced View
Voice Leading Analysis of Music II: The Middleground Part 2 of the Schenkerian analysis course.Open UniversityFree Advanced View
Voice Leading Analysis of Music III: The BackgroundPart 3 of the Schenkerian analysis course.Open UniversityFreeAdvancedView
Music 112: Listening to MusicDevelop your aural skills that lead to an understanding of Western music.Yale UniversityFreeElementaryView
Orchestration 101: The String SectionLearn the art of composing and orchestrating for strings.Thomas Goss$PaidIntermediateView
Orchestration 101: The Wind SectionLearn all about the woodwind instruments, their techniques and articulations and how to score for them.Thomas Goss$PaidIntermediateView
 Jazz Theory Explored Learn all about the chordal constructs and melodic options that give jazz its signature sound. Gregg Fine$PaidIntermediate View
Defining the String QuartetAnalyse the string quartet with particular attention on Haydn’s towering, history-shaping achievement.Stanford UniversityFreeIntermediateView
Reinventing the PianoThis course uses the piano to bring together a range of subjects that are often ignored or under developed in traditional music curricula.Princeton UniversityFreeIntermediateView
Various Music CoursesA wide range of free music video coursesGresham College, LondonFreeAllView

World Music

British Folk Music Theory

Chinese Music Theory

Bridging Arabic & Western Music

Polyrhythms (Tutsplus article)

 If you would like to suggest a page to add to this list, please email [email protected].