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Who Writes

Victoria Williams

My Music Theory is owned by Victoria Williams- that’s me. You’ll see my name on the copyright on the bottom of any materials you download. I wrote, designed and created this site, so if you have any praise, suggestions or complaints, write to me.

I started in 2007, as a free online resource for ABRSM grade five music theory students.

Since then, it has grown to encompass grades 1-diploma, Trinity as well as ABRSM, and also contains vast amount of other material!

I graduated from The University of Leeds with a BA (Hons) in Music in 1995. My specialism at University was Musicology, which in my case was the detailed study of the notation of music in Western Europe from the 15th century until present day.  

I am a member of the Independent Society of Musicians (ISM) and CASS.

Practically speaking, I am mostly a clarinettist and a pianist, although I also play the flute and am a beginner trombonist! Apart from running the website, I also teach theory, piano and woodwind in Cambridgeshire, UK (more info here). I work as a visiting music teacher in local schools, including running a primary school band.

I hold the AmusTCL (Distinction) and LmusTCL diplomas in music theory, from Trinity College London, ARSM performance diploma and LCM Grade 8 Composition with Distinction.

My Music Theory is a labour of love, combining my passions of music, teaching and writing.  If you have any comments about the site, I’d love to hear from you.

[email protected]

Victoria Williams BA(Hons) ARSM AmusTCL LmusTCL MISM