Why does MyMusicTheory look different?
See MyMusicTheory has been Renovated!
How do I log in to my Video Course?
The login system for video courses is unchanged. Please navigate to https://mymusictheory.newzenler.com/ to login to your courses.
Please note that your data and courses are stored and managed by zenler.com.
Where are my paid PDFs?
The login system for PDF downloads has changed. Please navigate to https://shop.mymusictheory.com and click on the login icon . You will be asked to create an account. If you use the same email address which you used for your previous PDF purchases, these can be linked into your account by revisiting the download link you received on purchasing. Please drop me a message at [email protected] for help if you are stuck.
Please note that your data and files are stored and managed by payhip.com.
Logging into mymusictheory.com directly is no longer available or necessary. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.
Where are the free PDFs?
Free PDFs are now stored at https://shop.mymusictheory.com/collection/freebies
Where are the free lessons?
Click on the menu to choose your exam board (ABRSM or Trinity), then your grade. Then click on the “expand” button to show the list of lessons for that board/grade.
You can also click on the title of a grade to see a list of all the lessons on one page.
Can’t find an answer to your question? Please email [email protected].