D Major
In the scale of D major, the semitones are between notes 3-4 and 7-1. This means we need to use the notes F# and C#.

Here are the ascending and descending D major scales in treble and bass clefs.

The key signature for D major is F# (in the same position as for G major) and C# (written lower).

Here is a trumpet tune in the key of D major, by Jeremiah Clarke.

B Flat Major
In the Bb major scale, the pattern of tones and semitones, TTS TTTS, means we need to use the note Eb as the 4th note. (Don’t forget the final Bb also needs an accidental, if you are writing a scale without a key signature).

Here are the ascending and descending Bb major scales in treble and bass clefs.

The key signature for Bb major has two flats, Bb then Eb. They must be written in the correct order, in the correct line/space on the stave. The Eb is placed higher than the Bb.

This tune is the theme from Mozart’s Piano Sonata in Bb major.

Scales Exercises
Hover your mouse over the questions (tap on mobiles) to reveal the answers.
1. Name the key of each of these major scales, and say whether it is ascending or descending.
2. Complete these scales, (which all start on the tonic), by adding the missing notes in the places marked *.