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Helping You Help Your Students

Welcome to the MyMusicTheory for teachers page!

music theory help for teachers

We all know that the logistics of fitting music theory lessons into practical lessons is often a big challenge, especially if you are working within a school environment where lessons are often shorter.

MyMusicTheory is here to help!

As a member of the site, you can access several benefits which you can then pass on to your students.

Benefits for You and Your Students

  • Personalised Coupon Codes | Offer your students a 20% discount on any MyMusicTheory video courses or PDFs with a coupon code personalised to your name.
  • Become an Affiliate | Join the MyMusicTheory Affiliate program and earn 10% on any sales made using your personalised links (video courses or PDFs)
  • Photocopying Permission | You may photocopy any individual pages of the MyMusicTheory PDFs without seeking permission. You need to keep the copyright information visible at the bottom of the page and may not make changes to the documents. If you find yourself doing a lot of photocopying, consider encouraging your student to purchase the material instead as this will benefit them, you and me!
  • Discounted Review Copy of Books | If you would to peruse a discounted copy of any of the MyMusicTheory books which are available to buy on Amazon, discounted review copies for teachers are available (UK only)
  • Bulk Discount on Books | If you would like to purchase several of the same MyMusicTheory book from Amazon, a bulk discount can be arranged.
  • Marketing | Create a teacher profile on MyMusicTheory and include a link back to your own website

If you are interested in taking up any or all of these offers, please join the MyMusicTheory Teacher’s Club here:


You’ll then receive an email with further instructions and information, plus access to a password protected area of the site.

Please note, it can take up to 15 minutes for your email to arrive (and please check Spam!)