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What ABRSM/Trinity Music Theory Grade are You?

This is a quiz designed to work out what grade you are at in music theory, based on the ABRSM’s and Trinity’s syllabuses.

  • There are 8 grades (followed by diplomas from Trinity but not ABRSM).
  • Grade 1 is elementary level and starts with basic notation, major keys with 1 sharp/flat in the key signature, three different time signatures, and the treble and bass clefs.
  • Each subsequent grade is slightly more complex with added keys, foreign terms, time signatures, musical symbols, chords and intervals.
  • Grade 5 is the required level for anyone who wants to take an ABRSM practical exam at grade 6 or higher (some alternative exams are allowed – see the ABRSM website for details). Grade 5 Trinity is also accepted by the ABRSM as a pre-requisite.
  • Grades 6-8 take an in depth look at harmony, figured bass (ABRSM only) and compositional techniques. A pass or higher at these grades gives you credit in the form of UCAS points. Grade 8 is roughly the same level as A level.

This quiz can only give a very general indication of your level – I can’t test your skills at figured bass or composition in this quiz! (Please seek advice from your teacher or email me at [email protected] for advice about taking an music theory exam.)

Instructions: Click on “Submit” to submit your answers, “Next” to skip a question and “Finish” to give up completely. Leave answers blank instead of guessing, for a more accurate result!


What Grade am I?

Take a short test to find out what Music Theory Grade you are.

Try not to guess - if you are not sure of an answer, just skip to the next question.

1 / 24

What is the name of this note?

note name

2 / 24

What key is this the tonic triad of?


3 / 24

Which note would need an accidental in the key of F major?

4 / 24

Which of the following bars is grouped correctly?Ā 

5 / 24

Complete the sentence by typing a number.
This time signature means there are _______ minim (half note) beats per bar.
time signature


6 / 24

What is the key of this melody?

7 / 24

Which two notes are missing from this scale of E minor harmonic?

8 / 24

Which of the below notes is a minor 7th higher than this note?

9 / 24

What does simile (sim.) mean?

10 / 24

Look at these notes then choose the correct sentence.


11 / 24

Which of the below notes is the correct enharmonic equivalent of this note?

12 / 24

What type of interval is this?


13 / 24

Transpose this key signature up a major 2nd.

key sig

14 / 24

What type of cadence is this?

15 / 24

What is the name of this note?note

16 / 24

What is another word forĀ pauken?

17 / 24

Which of these is a correctly written 5/3 chord?

18 / 24

Which of these chord progression isĀ not a typical cadence used in the Classical era?

19 / 24

What is the correct figure for this chord?

20 / 24

What feature can not be seen in this music?

21 / 24

What analytical term applies to the circled note?

22 / 24

What is the interval made between the circled notes?


23 / 24

In which circumstances should the leading note always rise to the tonic in the progression V-I?

24 / 24

Which two chords use identical "sounding" notes, but are written with enharmonic equivalents and are therefore functionally different?

7 thoughts on “What Grade am I?

  1. Robb Gregor Richard

    This test raises my self-confidence. It says I am around grade 4 level, and I plan to prepare for Grade 5 ABRSM. The first questions scared me a bit with the chord names on SATB scores.

  2. Philip Shambrook

    Thank you for this and the website in general. Returning to music after nearly 30 years and taking Grade 5 theory in a few days. I last looked at music theory in secondary school in the early 70s. Iā€™ve used your site extensively to prepare for the Grade 5 exam. This test suggests Iā€™m ready. Now to get better at playing music!

  3. Olayinka

    Thanks very much for this. I scored 15/24; though it should been16 but for a useless mistake. It said I am around ABRSM Grade 5, and suggest I start learning at Grade 6. It is a morale booster because I am preparing for Music Society of Nigeria Grade 4 exam.
    I need assistance on how to write tune for given words.

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