Harmonic Analysis
Harmonic Analysis with Decoration When we analyse chromatic music, we need to begin by separating the layers of music (bass, melody and any middle parts), to work out a functional …
Music theory lessons for ABRSM and Trinity candidates
Harmonic Analysis with Decoration When we analyse chromatic music, we need to begin by separating the layers of music (bass, melody and any middle parts), to work out a functional …
Writing keyboard accompaniments is probably a task you have not done very often, so in this lesson we will look at some of the typical types of accompaniments often found …
Using the Given Opening Before you attempt an ABRSM grade 7 question 2 keyboard question, the first step is to analyse what is already on the page – you will …
Introduction to the Keyboard Reconstruction Question Most of the time, question 2 in the grade 7 music theory exam paper is based on a Baroque style Bach Chorale. He wrote …
Method In this lesson you will learn my method for tackling Q2 of the ABRSM Grade 7 Music Theory paper. If you can memorise the method, you should find that …
In question 2 of the grade 7 exam, the most common type of question asks you to add melodic decoration to a Bach chorale. (Another type of questions is the …