SATB Cadences
A cadence is a way to mark the end of a phrase (in much the same way that commas and full stops are used to mark the end of a …
Music theory lessons for ABRSM and Trinity candidates
A cadence is a way to mark the end of a phrase (in much the same way that commas and full stops are used to mark the end of a …
Music Theory Audio Examples If you are like many other music theory students, you might find it difficult to “hear” in your head when you’re reading about music theory. It’s …
Inverted Cadences Standard cadences use root position chords, but sometimes cadences with first inversion chords can be used. These are known as inverted cadences. Inverted cadences are unlikely to appear …
Writing Chords to Accompany a Melody The first question in the ABRSM grade 6 theory paper asks you to provide a chord progression for a given melody. You are given …
Normally at the end of a phrase we find some type of cadence. If chord V (or V7) is used as the penultimate chord, the final chord of the phrase …
Cadences “Chord progression” means “series of chords which follow each other”. For example, I-IV-V-I is a chord progression. A cadence is a combination of specific chords which tells the listener …
Tonic Triads The first degree of the scale is also known as the tonic (or “doh”). A tonic triad is a chord built up from the 1st, 3rd and 5th …