interrupted cadences

SATB Cadences

A cadence is a way to mark the end of a phrase (in much the same way that commas and full stops are used to mark the end of a …

Audio Examples

Music Theory Audio Examples If you are like many other music theory students, you might find it difficult to “hear” in your head when you’re reading about music theory. It’s …

inverted cadences

Inverted Cadences

Inverted Cadences Standard cadences use root position chords, but sometimes cadences with first inversion chords can be used. These are known as inverted cadences. Inverted cadences are unlikely to appear …

example music theory exam question on chord progressions and cadences

Cadences (ABRSM Grade 5)

Cadences  “Chord progression” means “series of chords which follow each other”. For example, I-IV-V-I is a chord progression. A cadence is a combination of specific chords which tells the listener …