The Time Values of Notes
The Time Values of Notes We use different shapes of notes to show how long each one should last for. The names of the notes and rests are different in …
Music theory lessons for ABRSM and Trinity candidates
The Time Values of Notes We use different shapes of notes to show how long each one should last for. The names of the notes and rests are different in …
Double Dots A single dot to the right of a note head increases the length of the note by 50% (the note plus half of itself). So, a dotted minim …
Breves The longest note we have come across in earlier theory grades is the semibreve (whole note)- written as an open note-head without a stem. We’ll now learn about a …
Why Do We Have Two Naming Systems for Musical Notes? If you’ve ever spent time in an online forum about music theory, you’ll have probably come across an argument about …
Ties In music theory, a tie is a small, curved line which connects two notes of exactly the same pitch. The time values of tied notes are added together to …
Rest Shapes In music theory, rests are symbols which tell you to stop playing, and how long to stop for. Rests come in different shapes depending on how long they …
This page uses UK note names. USA note names are shown in brackets. Note Shapes To show how long notes should be held for, we draw them with different shapes. …